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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

532 & 530 E. Saint Catherine Street

So on top of my update re: 536, Tawana sent me an email with some good news of her own... the windows and doors packages came in and would  be installed today. I meant to run by the houses and check out the progress and grab some pics, but the day got away from me. I drove by the houses tonight, and everything looks fine. Pics for sure tomorrow

Demo at 536 E. Saint Catherine Street

Just got word from our attorney re: 536 E. Saint Catherine Street ....we are now down to the last relative in Phoenix. Hopefully, we can wrap this up and close before the New Year. We've already got a good price from Tawana's demo crew.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Eddie Davis

Tawana mentioned today that a gentleman had been out walking and snapping photos of the ongoing neighborhood revitalization. He sent her a link to his photos. Wow, his pictures are awesome. Thought I'd share the link on this blog. Shout out to Eddie Davis!

Photos Added

Click to view photo album

Beautiful Day

Sunny day. 532 E. Saint Catherine Street is under roof. 530 E. Saint Catherine starts framing tomorrow morning. The weather was great today. Did a walk through a 532 this afternoon to check the progress. Rick had the day off. Pulled up to the house, and this house really has a strong presence. Can't wait until the windows are installed. Walked around the perimeter of the house. The backyards on these houses along St. Catherine are huge. Still, deciding yet on how we'll handle the parking pad...Walked up to the second floor. The view from the 2nd floor was awesome. Plus St. Catherine was busy today. Seemed like guys were doing work on several houses on this block. The house a couple doors down from ours was having some shrubs hemmed. Couple of houses nearby are being renovated. Jackson Woods Apartments, right around the corner is being totally spruced up. Lots of energy!

Monday, December 06, 2010


We cancelled the concrete pour for the other house this morning. The temperature is going to drop into the teens over the next two days and we don't won't to risk the concrete freezing. Hopefully we will be able to pour on Wednesday or Thursday provided the temperature stays above freezing.